(International Brotherhood of Warriors)
WITHOUT MASTERS = You are free to join any other federation, sports promotion organization, and/or institution – there are no national, regional, or other mega-authorities. In our organization, roles are political only in the sense of being set up to organize, support, and provide service to our members.
WITHOUT CONSTRAINTS= You are free to take any exams you wish. You are not required to provide proof of education or commit to attending BKI courses. You are free to organize any events and competitions you wish.
WITHOUT PREJUDICE= All martial arts and/or related disciplines hold the same status and significance within the BKI, regardless of the race or nationality of the members.
There is only one set of rules, one judgment, and one way of applying the rules, as this reflects the spirit of the BKI: "the Brotherhood of Warriors."
a) Style/Method Technical Director - € 25.00;
b) Practicing members (active) - 10,00 €;
c) Non-practicing members (passive) - € 5.00;
Foreign membership:
Regarding membership fees for foreign countries, the fees shall be determined on a case-by-case basis in consultation with the International Director and the BKI Board, taking into consideration the purchasing power of the respective country's currency, which differs for each nation.
All black belt holders from an organization recognized by the BKI can apply to have their rank recognized by the BKI, provided that the documents attached to the application withstand a review by the BKI.
Anyone intending to take BKI-recognized rank exams must undergo an examination in the presence of a board member (or their representative). In addition, they must submit the appropriate application and a copy of the payment transfer to the BKI General Secretariat within the specified deadline.
Black belts who wish to receive a BKI diploma in accordance with other BKI-recognized organizations must submit a copy of the relevant document to the General Secretariat along with the specified fee:
1st- 2st Dan 80,00 €;
3st- 4st Dan 130,00 €;
5st- 6st Dan 170,00 €;
7st - 8st - 9st Dan 210,00 €; -
All members who wish to obtain the international diploma and/or take exams organized by the BKI must pay the fees according to Article 11 of the current bylaws, in addition to the fee for the international BKI diploma.
All black belts, technical directors, and school heads will be registered in the International Register of the BKI.
In the event of an accident, the BKI is exempt from any civil or criminal liability, as the presidents of the affiliated sports centers certify, when filling out the membership forms, that the sports center and all its members are insured and comply with local regulations.
- A style or method is defined as the specific school or orientation of a martial art or combat sport discipline. For each style or method, a head of school is designated.
The BKI accepts documents submitted by masters from other organizations, federations, and institutions recognized at the national or international level, proving the specific qualification as a head of a style or method, provided these organizations are recognized by the BKI. A personal resume must be attached to this document. The minimum age for the recognition of these qualifications is 45 years.
The head of school may apply for a BKI diploma in accordance with their rank and qualifications only after serving for two consecutive years.
The BKI accepts applications from masters who are active within the BKI (minimum age of 45 years and two years of membership) to undergo classification exams as a head of style/method and to obtain the title of head of school.
Interested individuals must submit their application to the General Secretariat upon recommendation of the territorial delegate, along with the following:
Application form for a model exam as head of school.
Copy of the certificate/diploma proving the minimum rank of 5th Dan, issued by the BKI.
Technical program in triplicate.
Documentation about the school, with special emphasis on its philosophy, submitted in triplicate.
A special committee will be appointed to recognize the school, evaluating not only the ability and efficiency of the technical program but also the theoretical part concerning the school's philosophy and an explanation of the school's emblem.
If one of these titles is awarded on the recommendation of one or more international high-ranking personalities or the international president, the BKI recognizes the following titles:
If, on the proposal of one or more international high-ranking personalities or the international president, one of these titles is awarded, the BKI recognizes this:
HANSHI "Transcendence of Being" – Head of school and/or founder of a style and/or method; reserved from 8th Dan onwards.
KYOSHI "One who practices" – Also means master of masters, reserved from 7th Dan onwards.
RENSHI "Spiritual Maturity" – Competence and mastery of a style, reserved from 5th Dan onwards.
SENSEI "Master" – Technical Director from 4th Dan onwards.
- The BKI recognizes the title of Waka Sensei for accredited schools.
The title of Waka Sensei can be awarded starting from 1st Dan.
The Waka Sensei will regularly conduct the exams established by the applicable regulations, adhering to the required waiting periods.
Within the BKI, they are automatically recognized as a school master if their own master declares that they are unable to serve in that capacity.
Until that happens, the Waka Sensei can display the corresponding emblem on their Keikogi. This process allows them to further showcase their esteemed position within the school to which they belong.
Technical Directors who come from other organizations, institutions, or federations must include a technical resume outlining their martial career when applying for admission to the BKI's technical staff. For approval, all Dan levels and/or exam applications must reflect at least two years of membership within the BKI.
All Technical Directors and black belts from other organizations applying for BKI membership must attach a copy of their diploma issued by a recognized organization. This diploma must indicate the rank and technical qualifications.
Examinations for lower ranks (colored belts - Kyu) can be conducted independently at each sports center.
Examinations for intermediate ranks, i.e., for the rank of Black Belt Kyusha (Kyu-Sha = student who knows the Kyu), can also be conducted independently within the schools they belong to, if this is provided for. This rank may have a different name if it pertains to non-Japanese disciplines.
To be recognized by the BKI, the Kyusha black belt must be at least 12 years old. This examination is conducted independently by the style or method technicians of each discipline. The result of this exam is officially recognized by the BKI with the issuance of a BKI diploma, free of charge.
For exams for higher ranks, the home club is free to organize and conduct the exams according to its own rules and issue the corresponding certificate. This diploma is then sent to the territorial delegate for submission to the General Secretariat for inclusion in the BKI's black belt register.
If the sports club wishes to have the international rank recognized by the BKI, the exam must be conducted in the presence of a member of the BKI board (President, Vice President, or Delegate).
For 1st Dan – Minimum age: 18 years
- 12 months of service at the previous rank: €80.00
For 2nd Dan – Minimum age: 20 years
- 24 months of service at the previous rank: €100.00
For 3rd Dan – Minimum age: 23 years
- 36 months of service at the previous rank: €120.00
For 4th Dan – Minimum age: 27 years
- 48 months of service at the previous rank: €140.00
For 5th Dan – Minimum age: 32 years
- 60 months of service at the previous rank: €150.00
For higher gradings from 5th Dan or equivalent, a minimum of 5 years must pass between each rank, and the following conditions must be met:
For 6th Dan – Minimum age: 40 years
- 5 years in the current rank
For 7th Dan – Minimum age: 45 years
- 5 years in the current rank
For 8th Dan – Minimum age: 50 years
- 5 years in the current rank
For 9th Dan – Minimum age: 58 years
- 5 years in current rank
Organizers who wish to have the sponsorship of the BKI must submit their event plans in advance to the territorial delegate, who will then report the event to the General Secretariat. Once they have received a positive response, they can begin promoting the event using the BKI logo.
There is no obligation or requirement for the presence of technicians at the various events organized by the BKI. However, considering the shared interest and affiliation with the same organization, each athlete's sense of responsibility and camaraderie is encouraged, leading to strong attendance at every event.
The Budopass is the personal record document for martial artists, in which all information regarding their martial activities is recorded. The BKI issues an International Budopass to each individual martial artist upon request.
Those who have not yet applied for the Budopass or who have lost it can request one from their master.